Beauty Through Breakthrough, D/B/A, VBella (Holistic beauty & Wellness)

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Beauty Through Breakthrough, D/B/A, VBella (Holistic beauty & Wellness)

Here at VBella Holistic Beauty & Wellness, we offer services focusing on emotional, physical & spiritual health. We get to the foundational root cause of many issues,
including, but not limited to:

• Skin issues • Hair thinning & loss • Pain • Digestive disturbance

• Reproductive complaints • Weight management • Emotional regulation

• Hormonal irregularity • Sleep issues • PTSD & Trauma response • Headaches

• Anxiety • Depression • Auto-immune disruptions (including Lyme Disease complications)


City / State / Virtual
Frankfort, IL

Practitioner Information

Trinity Designations
Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Certified Lyme Specialist
Other Designations / Credentials
Licensed Cosmetologist • Instructor
Services Offered
• Homeopathy • Haircutting & Styling • Low Toxic Hair Color Treatments • Reflexology Pedicure • Bach Flower Remedies • EFT ( Emotional Freedom Technique, tapping*) • Foundational Wellness Coaching • Spiritual Coaching • Digestive Health Coaching • Individual MRT (muscle response) Coaching

Business Location & Map

21 Ash Street #8, Frankfort, IL 60423, USA

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